Where are we located? JWSC Student Center on the ground floor level.

Students who feel ill or have a health-related questions are encouraged to call or email Student Health Services. Students may make appointments to see the Registered Nurse directly via the Student Health Portal. If the nurse determines that the student should be evaluated by a telehealth provider, an appointment will be made for the student during “Clinic Hours”, which occur Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings between 9am-11:45am. Most appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis, however Health Services reserves the right to make exceptions based on professional judgment and acuity levels.



Student Health Services (SHS) envisions an environment for learning that fosters change and growth in students, with emphasis on increasing independence and self-determination where the student becomes engaged in the process, assuming responsibility for their life choices.


Student Health Services (SHS) strives to keep the student fully engaged in the learning environment at 宝盈bbin官方登录, while assisting with their health and wellness concerns and/or challenges. Great care is taken to not over assist the student, providing care only to the degree necessary, in order to promote self-care and growth. SHS enables rather than hinders the process of becoming a fully functioning, independent adult capable of making sound decisions and dealing with the consequences of those choices. SHS is intended to function as an acute care clinic, providing assessment, testing, diagnosis, and treatment for unanticipated medical situations. Student with ongoing or chronic medical issues who require regular prescription medication or treatment should maintain a relationship with their primary care provider, either at home or in the local community. In the event of an urgent matter, SHS will work with the student’s regular providers to provide continuity of care on a temporary basis until the student can see their regular provider.


Paul Smith’s College incoming students can click on the link below to upload their student health requirements.

Click below to access the Student Health Portal.



Fall 2025 Requirements Due August 1, 2025

Students who do not complete all health requirements prior to August 1, 2025 will be unable to receive their residence hall key or attend classes until the requirements have been completed.

If a commuter student does not complete their health requirements, they will be unable to attend classes until the requirements have been completed.

Students who are new to Paul Smith’s College, or who have missed a semester, are required to complete these requirements via the Health Services Portal.

Log in using your 宝盈bbin官方登录 user id & password, provided to you by admissions via an email. Please take the time to complete each form thoroughly.

Required forms & information

  • Read and agree to Consent to Treat and Permission to Share Information form
  • Telemedicine Consent Form for Health Services
  • Health History form
  • Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire
  • Upload a clinical evaluation (entry physical) no older than 1 year prior to entry date (Print Form)
  • Upload insurance information – FRONT and BACK copy
    • If you have additional cards, i.e. prescription cards/dental/vision, please make copies of those as well.

Required Immunizations

For attendance at a post-secondary institution regarding immunization for measles, mumps, rubella and meningococcal disease in accordance with PHL Section 2165 (measles, mumps and rubella), PHL Section 2167 (meningococcal disease), and Title 10 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations Subpart 66-2 (10 NYCRR Subpart 66-2). Proof of immunization is required by all students who are taking 6 or more credits (semester hour).

  • Upload immunization history documentation covering all required immunizations
    • Proof of vaccination or immunity to Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)
    • Meningitis Vaccination (ACWY or MenB) within 5 years prior to enrollment
    • Don’t have a meningitis vaccination? Read Meningitis Fact Sheet and complete the Meningitis Response form; located in the Health Portal.
  • Proof of Hepatitis A vaccination series for the following programs:
    • Baking Arts and Services Management | BASM
    • Baking (A.A.S.) | BAKG


Per NYS Public Health Law Section 2165, Students attending a NYS Secondary College or University have the right to medical and religious exemptions to immunizations.

To report a medical or religious immunization exemption to Paul Smith’s College please submit one of the following;

  1. Medical exemption: A letter must be written by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse
    practitioner and state that a valid contraindication to vaccination exists. The exemption must
    specify which immunizations are contraindicated and why.
  2. Religious exemption: There must be a written and signed statement from the student (parent or guardian
    of students less than 18 years of age) that they object to immunization due to their
    religious beliefs.

For more information please visit NYSDOH secondary institutions requirements page.

Services Available*

On-site lab services:
    • Specimen collection for lab work & blood testing
    • Urinalysis
    • Rapid Testing:
        • Mononucleosis
        • Strep A
        • Influenza
        • COVID-19
Reproductive health care needs:
    • Pregnancy testing
    • Emergency Contraception
    • Confidential HIV and STI/STD testing (and treatment)
Frequently used Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications and supportive devices:
    • Cold & Flu
    • Allergy Relief
    • Hot/Cold Packs
    • First-Aid supplies
    • Heat Wraps (neck & back)
    • Crutches (ice-grip attachments available for winter) & Wheelchairs
        • limited quantities, availability varies
Other Services:
    • Coordination of care with specialty offices and/or hometown practitioners
    • Coordination of Care with Student Counseling Center as necessary
    • Hormone injections
    • Glucose testing
    • Nebulizer treatments
    • Blood Pressure screening and data collection
    • Vision testing for Driver License renewal
    • Smoking cessation counseling & Nicotine Replacement Therapy
    • Flu and Other Immunizations
    • PPD Tuberculosis Readings
    • Wound Care
      • stitches/staple removal

* Not a complete list of services. Please contact our office for more information.

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